Aaak! So much has been going on lately and between it all it's been hard to find time to blog. I did a bit of travelling over the past week. First I was off to California last week for my sis's big day...her 1st Triathlon. Unlike here in the desert, where the triathlons begin with laps in the pool at the university, my sister and her two gal pals (along with like 350 other women) swam in the ocean. The PACIFIC OCEAN! I could call her the crazy one, but who am I to talk, Miss Soon-to-be Running 15+ Miles. Still, all I can think is you gotta be pretty tough (and crazy) to get in that cold water. The race started in Capitola, and even at 7 am, skies were clear and the ocean was beautiful!
So basically, I'm the best sister ever. I'm her Number One fan AND her water girl.
She did the Mermaid Triathlon, which is an all women's race. They swam all the way out past the pier in shark infested waters. JUST KIDDING....but not. A little ways into her swim, my sister stopped and was feeling a bit unsure. Luckily, little sis was there to coach her on and remind her how awesome she is and how hard she had worked in her training. I was so proud to see her throw off that swim cap and power through her swim.
She ran up a hill barefoot, biked like 12 miles down the California coast, and then jogged up MORE hills. Did I mention she did this hard core race while wearing her genuine pearl earrings? She's a classy gal, my sister.
She was all smiles and happy dances at the finish line with our two girl friends Cat & Rachel. She had an awesome time, crossing the finish line in 2:23:49. She may have doubted herself at times, but I knew she could do it! My proud momma even shed a few happy tears.

It was so great to go to California for a sister weekend. After the race was done she and I enjoyed some relaxation time, gossip time at the salon, and a few celebratory glasses of Satori wine. I even squeezed in an early 6.75 mile run last Sunday. That evening I was back in the desert, only to have to pack my bags for an early morning flight Monday to Denver for a 4-day science team review. There were reviews of not just a few, but ALL the science teams involved in the OSIRIS-REx project. Presentations included build updates, analysis of preliminary tests, and comparison of OSIRIS-REx to previous asteroid missions and studies. The review took place at the University of Colorado, Boulder campus. The city of Boulder is beautiful at this time of year. I enjoyed seeing the changing leaves and dribbling creeks and even caught a glimpse of a doe in a meadow.

I got runs in on 3 out of 4 days that I was in Boulder. It is a very pedestrian friendly town, with bike paths traversing in all directions...even up into the Rocky Mountains. It was pretty cold on my morning treks. Next time I'm in Denver (which is in only about 2 weeks) I will probably need my cold-weather running gear.
Boulder is also known for its craft breweries. I think my hunnie, who was enjoying "man time" back in Arizona, got a chuckle every time I texted him about one of the beers I was trying. This brew is the Ciel Lumineux, which is apparently French for "Bright Sky". I thought this was a fitting selection to help celebrate the success of my 4-day OSIRIS-REx review.
Luck was on my side Thursday, because for the first time in forever my flight left on time! I was so happy to be reunited with my hunnie and Georgia after being gone almost a week. Dorothy had it right when she said "There's no place like home".
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