Things are super busy around here, but I wanted to make sure and post a quick update. If you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear our decision on Holmesy, get comfortable because you'll be waiting awhile. We haven't yet figured out what the future holds for him, but we know that he will have a warm, safe and happy place to live until a permanent decision is made. What's holding us back, you ask? Well, let's just say he's a big part of why things have been so busy. As I mentioned, he is a pup of 1 and 1/2 years, and when you have a puppy there is never a time when you don't need to be in training mode. You have to be consistent. Not to mention, having a puppy has brought out some new behaviors with our other dog, Georgia, such as hoarding toys and chew bones. So on top of it all, we are em"bark"ing on another round of training with Georgia. Nonetheless, the dogs have a great time playing with each other, and my hunnie and I are having a great time watching them be silly. Play time with the dogs has not been without casualties though...Mr. Beaver was torn to shreds over the weekend, and this morning Mr. Snowman also got the axe.
Believe it or not...the demise of Mr. Snowman was the doing of Georgia, NOT Holmes. Remember that hoarding behavior I mentioned? Well, Georgia doesn't really like toys...she just doesn't like for Holmes to play with the toys. So as a result, some toys have literally been torn to shreds to prevent Holmes from having too much fun. We are working to resolve this by teaching Georgia a new command: "Leave It".
Alas, the future of dog toys is somewhat bleak in our little blue house. The dogs enjoy playing tug of war with the toys, and sometimes they take turns chewing apart the toys. I think it comes from the pack mentality of working together to kill prey. So you can't blame them right? Nah...I don't, although my heart sort of sank to see that the happy little Mr. Beaver was no more. other news, my hunnie and I finally got a day off together on Monday, and were able to get away for the day to visit some other parts of this great desert state (thanks in large part to our dear friend Shelby who was willing to watch the canine club for us). We had a great time, but I have to admit that between a 3-day weekend and 2 doggies I have NOT had much time to keep on my marathon training. I've been running quite a bit (and was able to squeeze in some great workouts while on a business trip in Denver last week), but the distances have been shorter than I would've liked. I'm now down to the last two weeks of training, so its time to start tapering anyways. My biggest worry right now? The flu is just rampant down here, so I'm doing my best to just stay healthy--by eating healthy, getting lots of sleep, and keeping active.
Oh and before I forget, did I mention that my hunnie and I are headed to Vegas this weekend for my mom's birthday? This is my first time doing "The Vegas", and let me just say I'm super excited. All I have to do now is find a doggie hotel for Holmes, who cannot be trusted alone for 3 days.
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