Loving. Learning. Engineering. Life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

50-day Fitness Challenge {Week 6}

Week 6 was the busiest I've had in quite some time. Between unpacking, organizing, working and the 4th of July holiday, I felt like the energizer bunny last week. My hunnie and I ended off the weekend in Bisbee, where we walked the stretch of oldtown at least 3 times.   We enjoyed the sites of this old mining town, whose city motto is supposedly "Keeping it Weird". 

After that, we ventured on to Patagonia, where we hiked out to a private sandbar and enjoyed an evening swim.   Here is a breakdown of Week 6:
  • Ran 11 miles + Walked 4 miles
  • 3 Outdoor workouts
  • Evening swim    
This week is off to a good start, although the days are very hot and humid.  I did my Monday run after the sun had set, and still I was sweating like a Popsicle at Miami Beach in July.  Week 7 is the final week of the 50-day Fitness Challenge, and it ends with a hearty distance run early Saturday morning.  Here is the plan for Week 7:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
3 mi Run* Bikram 3.5 mi Run* SpinCore Rest 6 mi Run* Rest

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