Loving. Learning. Engineering. Life.

Monday, June 4, 2012

50-day Fitness Challenge {Week 1}

The first 9 days of the 50-day Fitness Challenge are behind me.  My hunnie and I had a very successful mud run on Saturday, finishing fast enough to earn official race beer mugs.  Like a true military man, my hunnie wore his BMT boots while I did a final run in my favorite tennys (which I donated to the shoe collection after the race). 
But like drying mud, my fitness plan became trickier to maneuver over the next few days.  Does antiquing for a couple hours count as a workout?  The three day weekend may have thwarted some of my fitness plans, but by Tuesday I was back on track, and I managed to get a workout in everyday except yesterday, including a few outdoor workouts.  Here's the breakdown of Week 1:
  • 3 outdoor workouts
  • Ran 15.5 miles
I just signed up for the Summer group fitness pass at the university, so I'm planning on taking a few workout classes this week, starting with SpinCore on Tuesday.  Although its not on the training schedule, I'm hoping to fit in a Bikram Yoga class sometime this week as well.  Here's the training plan for Week 2 of the 50-Day Fitness Challenge:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
2 mi Run* 5 lap Swim/
Rest 6 mi Run* HABIT 3 mi Hike* Rest

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