Loving. Learning. Engineering. Life.

Monday, June 11, 2012

50-day Fitness Challenge {Week 2}

Well, I'm starting to realize that despite having a reasonable workout plan, my second week of the 50-day Fitness Challenge was as challenging to stick to as the first.  I had a serious case of the Mondays (on Monday)--I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone get my fitness on.  I also had to make a few adjustments to my Friday/weekend workouts, as the university's baseball team made it to the NCAA Super Regionals, and my hunnie and I had tickets for all the games.  While the plan did encounter a few snafus (I was unable to fit in workouts on 5 days), I did get 5 workouts in over 4 days in Week 2.  

Here's the breakdown of Week 2:
  • 3 outdoor workouts
  • Ran 13.5 miles
  • 1 Bikram Yoga class 
In Week 3, I hope to make it to a few group fitness classes at the university.  Despite heading off for vacation on Friday, my goal is to not get derailed from my workout routine.  This week I WILL exercise 5 out of 7 days.  Here is the training plan for Week 3:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Rest SpinCore Group Strength 5 mi Run* Rest 4 mi Run* 3 mi Hike*

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